When it runs out, simply head back and entice him again! Once in a rhythm, this only took 25 minutes. It takes around 40-50 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.
#Desperados 3 trueachievements full
Try to start moving as soon as possible to make the most of each attraction spell, and walk in a straight line away from the guard's start point (around 25m). Full list of all 36 Desperados III achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.

0 Hide ads Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement Add a guide to share them with the community. Next, making sure the disguise is on, stand next to the guard and press twice (once to distract, twice to lure) to make him follow you, drooling. 112 (21) Most Entertaining achievement in Desperados III Most Entertaining Complete 5 of the Baron's Challenges. In my experience Kate's attraction skill will not work on Long Coat enemies or the poncho wearing guys, they're much too good at their jobs to slack off. I chose a guard across the road from the southern tip of the market (from the starting perspective of the level) he is talking to a couple of civilians. Now you're all gussied up, choose a guard to torment. You must equip the disguise by selecting it with then pressing. Knock her out (or kill her, you monster) and take her disguise. the easy-to-read interface of Desperados III, another western with a top-down perspective. The disguise in this level is on a rooftop part of the brothel, and the nice lady wearing it wanders back and forth amongst sleeping guards. Weird West Review in 3 Minutes - YouTube video thumbnail. Pick a level with Kate available, I chose New Orleans.